Monday, July 20, 2009

Green Valley Gazette -July 2009

In our original gazette, we noted breaking news such as "Dan (Prezbylak) bought a rake" or "We regret that John Chesley has the mumps".

Fortyish years later, BIG things are still happening. To wit:

Ellen Little called Linda Seidel on her cell phone by accident this past Sunday. They both enjoyed her mistake and Bill Little yelled a "Hi Linda" too.

Mary Ellen Chesley and her family are moving in August to Maryland and a BBQ in their honor is being held at Susan Seidel's house. The guests attending include: Anthony Fisher and family, Linda and Phil, Shelley and John and family. Our Boston contigency will miss them! (This actually is BIG after 25 years in Boston)

Shelley Fisher and Linda kayaked last week in Truro and planned possible activities for the 2010 reunion. HaH! just wait 'till you hear what we cooked up!

Meagan and Linda enjoyed a very long phone conversation in late May.

Nancy, Walter, Wendy and Linda are currently choosing the restaurant in NYC for their mini reunion July 28.

John Chesley is sleeping at the Herman's apt this week in Boston.(While working at the Ropes and Gray Boston office)

The full Thompson clan is getting together in August for a reunion.