Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wendy's Top 5

Unfortunately, Michael and I were able to attend only half the reunion, so I thought a Top 5 list would be more appropriate. So, in reverse order:

5. Square dancing, and seeing Michael's picture in the paper the next morning. As I said to some of you, a wonderful moment was seeing two teenagers walk in and having the lightbulb go on immediately--"Oh, John and Shelley's kids, obviously!"

4. Seeing GVD for the first time in 35 years; seeing how it has changed--ALL THOSE TREES!!!--and at the same time, how it has not changed. It's still a nice neighborhood, and that's comforting. (An ancillary thrill--driving around the area so easily, automatically putting the turn signal on at the right time, even after all these years.)

3. Going through our old house with Trish. This was a bittersweet episode, since as you all know some serious damage had been done to the property, but it was nice to know the new owners love the place and are working to resuscitate it. I was thrilled to hear that my Dad's daffodils are still popping up in the woods every spring!

2. Seeing Don and Pat Seidel. That brought tears to my eyes, reminding me that my parents are gone. And honestly, Don doesn't look a day older than when I last saw him!

1. Saturday night singing--and sitting next to Trish for that. Oh, you all were so good. (And Trish and I were SO bad all those years ago.) But it was wonderful how, as David said, everyone knew all the words, and joined in in full voice.

Regrets: First: that we couldn't stay for Sunday and Monday. Second (and this is a very close Second): I somehow didn't get to eat any chipped ham! How did that happen?

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